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Federal Government Advisors

Your Consulting Experts for Government Contracts

We are eager to guide you through the process of gaining a competitive edge while learning to win government contracts jobs. Our experts are standing by with extensive experience spanning decades of serving government contractors in all sectors, including business development, sales, project management, capture support, IT and much more.

Are you ready to learn the wheels-within-wheels on how to win government contracts?

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(866) 443-4312

A Result-Driven Approach

We’re here to assist you with navigating the federal space and provide you with the necessary tools to successfully secure government contracts . Our goal is to generate results through the use of a custom approach that involves both cutting-edge technology and expertise acquired through many years of helping our clients. We provide new government contracts for bid opportunities available everyday through our custom software. How long can you afford to miss out — win government contracts by using the right strategies — that can potentially help your business grow exponentially?

Get Ready

Registrations & Certifications

To succeed in securing government contracts, start the process by getting registered and certified in order to meet every criteria required by the government for your business’ specific industry.

Start the Process


Develop a Game Plan

Are you already in the process but looking to improve your chances to win government contracts? You’ve come to the right people.

Enhance Your Process


Exceed The Requirements

Simply knowing how to get government contracts is not the end goal. Our government contracting experts help you leverage all winnings into profitable relationships, higher credibility, and larger obligations.

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The FGA Difference

Why Choose FGA to Win Federal Government Contracts?

Federal Government Advisors (FGA) is a nationwide consultancy that specializes in government contract consulting and winning government contracting jobs. The goal of our efforts is to put our clients on a path to win government contracts and government contract jobs. We are not yet another federal award registration firm. We have in-house experts who can make capturing, bidding, and winning on federal, state, and local work radically smoother than it would be for a novice to navigate the federal contracting space themselves.

Simply winning government contracts or securing government contract jobs isn’t enough. You need a plan to leverage all winnings and convert them into profitable long-term relationships, gain higher credibility for your business, and be able to perform large obligations. In today’s fast-paced world, many businesses are in a competitive space and eager to grow, so waiting to be contacted by a federal procurement officer is not something your business can afford. Our expertise in government contracting and government contracting jobs can help you take proactive steps toward successfully growing your business. Learn More About FGA

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Federal Agencies
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Nothing but success stories

Betty O'Neal

The FGA team has been invaluable, from helping us w/ applying for designations to forwarding and keeping us on the radar for opportunities that fall into our skill set.
Added bonus is putting us together with other contractors for subbing and partnering possibilities.

Craig BlowWar Room Strategy

Bill was a tremendous help in walking me as a beginner through the process of getting my first contract! I am meeting with him now to build my next campaign which will continue accelerating my business, War Room Strategy, with continued contract acquisition. Federal Government Advisors is a huge benefit! Begin the process and they'll help you too!

B. OlszewskiContractor / Master Carpenter

FGA is like having an outsourced back-office that's always sourcing contracts and giving you a better chance at winning them. It's a drop in the bucket to pay them if it helps me win more contracts, and I do win more with them than without!

Corey Lee

Hardworking team of knowledgeable guys that will give you feed back in good timing and give one on one coaching to get you results with the government.

Aurora Commercial ContractingAurora Commercial Contracting

FGA has been super helpful. We are a new business that just started this year and they worked with us to help us secure our first contact with the government. Their platform is extremely helpful because it consolidates every opportunity in one space and allows you to find the right project for your business.

Robb NelsonXpekt Interactive

These guys have become my go-to for advice on anything involving federal contracts. It can be a little daunting when trying to get involved in this area as a small company while also trying to compete with much, much bigger fish. I wasted so much time researching and waiting on replies.

Real Businesses

Getting Real Results.

This is Craig, a real customer who has managed to win government contracts with our guidance and systems.

If you have been looking up and down various search engines and suggestions and have now stumbled upon us, know that it was not random. We are as phenomenal as your research has led you to believe when it comes to government contract bids. Every month, we receive more rave reviews about what we can do for contractors like yourself.

You won’t be alone in your success. Join our growing list of clients whose businesses have reached the key milestones required to work for the government, and successfully won government contracts, in their respective industries.

Our expertise and guidance can help you navigate the competitive landscape of government contracts and take your business to new heights. Let us be your trusted partner in achieving your goals in the government contracting arena.

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Here are a few of the questions we get asked most often by our prospective clients, including how to bid on government contracts. If you are looking to win government contracts, get government contract jobs, or if you need assistance with any other aspect of the contracting process, Federal Government Advisors is the best consultancy to call. 

We have a team of experienced professionals who can guide you through every step of the process, from bid preparation to post-award management. Contact us today to get started on your path to success in government contracting and obtaining government contract jobs!

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What is the process for successfully bidding on government contracts?

Government contract bidding is the process by which a company or individual submits a proposal to a government agency in order to provide goods or services. Proposals can be submitted in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) or as an unsolicited submission.

The purpose of the bidding process is to ensure that the government receives competitive proposals from qualified vendors and that the best value for taxpayers is obtained. The selection of a vendor is based on a number of factors, including price, technical capability, past performance, and other evaluation criteria specified in the solicitation.

Bidding on government contracts is a process that takes time and effort. There are many things to consider when bidding, such as understanding the solicitation, writing a proposal, and preparing for the evaluation process. It’s essential to partner with a company that understands the government contracting process and can help you win bids. If you’re looking for assistance in winning government contracts, consider reaching out to us, as we specialize in providing support and guidance for individuals and businesses interested in government contracting and bidding on government contracts.

Contact us! We have experience in winning government contract jobs and can help you understand how to get government contracts and how to bid on government contracts effectively. Let us help you navigate the complexities of government contracting and increase your chances of securing a government contract for your business.

How can I make my business more attractive to government contracting officers?

Federal Government Advisors can help guide you through the process of bidding government contracts. If you’re looking to break into the government contracting market, it’s important to first understand what attracts government contracting officers to certain businesses. There are several things that attract government contracting officers to particular businesses, but some of the most common include past performance, technical capabilities, and financial stability. To make your business more attractive to get government contract jobs, you need to showcase your company’s strengths and highlight how you can solve the customer’s problem. You should also be prepared with information about your company’s past performance and financial stability. By understanding what attracts federal government contracting officers to certain businesses, you can put yourself in a better position to win contracts. 

What are the benefits of winning government contracts?

The government is a large and reliable customer that can help your business grow.

Government contracts often have fewer bidding requirements. This makes it easier for businesses to win government contract jobs

The government also has a variety of contract vehicles that make it easy for businesses to find the right contract. Businesses can partner with other businesses or organizations to increase their chances of winning a government contract. If you’re looking to win more government contracts, we are the federal contract advisors that will help you! Contact us today to learn more about our services.

How can I find out about upcoming government contracting opportunities?

There are a few different ways that you can find out about upcoming government contract job opportunities. One way is to subscribe to the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website, which is the primary source for federal procurement solicitations above $25,000. Another way to find information about government contracting opportunities is by subscribing to various email notification lists from agencies like GSA or SAM.

Many companies attend trade shows and other events where they can learn about upcoming government contracting opportunities. Finally, the best option is to use our proprietary software (ContractSmart), which combines everything in one easy-to-access package, making sorting through government contracting opportunities a breeze.

What are the key elements of a successful government contracting proposal?

As Federal Government Advisors we recommend the following: proposals for federal government contracts should be clear, concise, and organized. They should also highlight the contractor’s experience and qualifications.

– Government contracting proposals should be tailored to the specific agency or department that will be awarding the contract.

– Contractors should follow the government’s proposal submission guidelines carefully.

– Government contracting proposals must be error-free.

If you’re looking to get government contracts, let us help! We have a team of experts who can help you write a winning proposal. Contact us today for more information.

What are the most common mistakes businesses make when bidding on government contracts?

Some of the most common mistakes that a business owner can make during the process of bidding on government contracts is not understanding the procedure and not conducting the proper research. Another common mistake is not preparing a strong enough proposal. Your business can avoid these mistakes by becoming aware of the process, doing extensive research, staying up to date with trends, and applying best practices. The most efficient option is to hire an experienced federal contract advisors team, such as FGA, which can make the bidding process simple and effective. By hiring FGA, your business will be in a much better position to win bids and be on its way to landing lucrative deals with the government.

Trust The Process

We know all the minutia and protocols for bidding on government contracts. We even have the receipts to prove that what we do works for the procurement of all types of government contracts which benefit businesses of all sizes tremendously. Call us today to find out exactly what sets us apart and how we have earned rave reviews for helping businesses like yours win U.S. Federal contracts.

When we talk about “contract consulting,” we’re talking about having experts working in your corner to help you capitalize on a multi-trillion dollar market of government contracts. With our comprehensive knowledge and experience in bidding on government contracts and navigating various procurement processes, we can guide and help you in the process of how to get a government contract. Contact us today to get started on your journey to success.

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