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Start Contracting with the Federal Government Today!

Federal Contracting Made Easy. FGA can help you with...


Understand what registrations are for you, and have an expert create and maintain them for federal, state, local, and prime vendors.


The government and the private sector has set-aside contracts for certified companies. Find out what you qualify for and how large these set-aside budgets are

Contract Capture Management

Locate the right contracts for you by mining 2,200+ government websites simultaneously. Find competitors, pricing, and more.

Proposal Support

Our bid directors have a team that know your market’s preferred pricing. From federal market research to strategic methods to your individual submissions.

How FGA can Help You Win Government Contracts

  • Expertise in Government Affairs. FGA has a deep understanding of government policies and regulations, offering valuable guidance to clients on how to engage with government agencies and make informed business decisions.
  • Access to Key Decision-Makers. FGA can help clients build relationships with key decision-makers within the government and provide opportunities to engage with officials and policymakers.
  • Navigating the Regulatory Landscape. FGA provides guidance on compliance requirements and help clients navigate the regulatory process more efficiently.
  • Political Insight and Analysis. Federal government advisors help clients understand the political landscape, monitor legislative and regulatory developments, and prepare for potential policy shifts that may affect their business.
This is Craig, CEO & Founder of War Room Strategy, LLC who has managed to win government contracts with our guidance and systems.

Learn How We Can Help You Sell to the U.S. Government.

Ready to Become a Government Contractor?

About Us

At FGA we are an independent contract consulting firm that assists businesses of all sizes, non-profit organizations, and freelancers in obtaining everything necessary in order to do business within the federal government and get contracts now!

Find Us


100 N Ashley Dr | Unit 600 | Tampa, FL 33602

Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–7:00PM